Urednica, d.o.o.
Registration number: 3350037000
VAT ID: SI29528232
IBAN: SI56 1010 0004 5115 180
Ljubljanska cesta 4 C
SI-1241 Kamnik
📱 +386 41 773 540
☎ +386 590 40 228
📧 info@urednica.si

The Urednica company is lead by:
Ambrož Pondelek, msc.
Damjana Pondelek, Phd.
In the toughest moments and trials, we stand by you and effectively help you provide an appropriate response and a comprehensive, timely and credible communication with all who expect, need, seek answers. We also take care of you, as crisis situations and scandals are a difficult life test.
We direct all our knowledge and experience to the prevention of crisis situations and scandals, or to their professional, effective and ethical management. At the same time, we strive for the humanization of social institutions and interpersonal relations. We help wounded teams to attain trust, respect and safety. We strengthen leaders as trustworthy individuals who know, can, and want to properly lead their teams through good and bad times.